What fun stuff can you do when the flu forces you to stay home from work? What possible trouble can you get into when you’re stuffy, nauseated and living in your bathroom? I have an idea, why don’t I stop watching Jerry Springer, look around my home and fix the crap that’s driving me crazy!
Let’s start with all of my fashionable tech. These days, most tech is designed to make my messy home office look more professional. Therefore, every piece of equipment is sleek, curved and stylishly black. That also means that every button, every cable port, and every raised description is drowning in a sea of black.
I have concluded that tech is apparently designed for offices that have spectacular bright lighting and staff members with very young eyes. I have old eyes. In fact, I’ve had them from that day at the dinner table when Dr. Weisskopf noticed my three-year-old face in my mashed potatoes and told my parents I needed glasses.
At this point you’re asking yourself, why I would be worried about my work tech, when I am stranded in my bedroom recliner, wondering why there are so many baby mamas on Maury who needed DNA testing on their kids?
Well, I started to turn up my air purifier to the max and realized my eyes were so watery I could not see the raised black settings buried by the stylish black color. My fight with Texas pollen had recently driven me to buy a bigger unit. It was on sale. And now my frugality had betrayed me.
Once I put in some eye drops and cleaned my glasses, I moved the dial to fast. Then, I sat there brooding and blowing my nose.
As luck would have it, I had recently moved out of my comfort zone and bought colored labels for my trusty Brother label maker. I was sick, I was upset – but it was on.
Once the task was finished, I had some hot tea and honey and put up my feet. I glared back at my home office. I will be back on my feet soon, label maker in hand to make my tech a lot less stylish.
Rant Challenge: Isn’t it time for some savvy entrepreneur to make tech with senior-friendly buttons? Your fortune awaits.